I copied this cracked-up picture from the blog
insanepoly and I think it shows how cracked up Singapore is!
The cracked-up picture of the rich & famous vs the down & out on top of his blog page describes clearly the GINI gap. The rich and the poor here has gone so far apart that the twain shall never meet, except
for some photo op :)
It is a shame that nationhood has become a joke in my country, Singapore. National Day has become just another day of hype; of song and dance where shameless overpaid leaders show themselves in public in white to make themselves relevant in times when unthinking aunties and uncles thank their lucky stars to be given NDP Parade tickets and to pick up a goody bag or two. Just like bus loads of aunties and uncles were herded into buses to attend deserted election rallies and other PAP organised functions where nobody goes willingly. Or when Auntie of Uncle has got nothing better to do!
Before anyone slams me for running down aunties or uncles, I wish to declare that I'm an uncle too, in my late 50's. On this coming National Day, I declare that I'm proud, very proud of being a Singaporean. I'm just ashamed of the rulers and leaders who claim so much and do so little.
Their greed for money and their justification of their obscene salary increase is DAMNING!
Their sense of responsibilility and accountability leaves MUCH TO BE DESIRED!
The way they screw Singaporeans and mess with our CPF and our life-long debt to HDB is NAUSEATING!
The joke of HDB subsidy has gone too far for too long! It's MONOPOLY & PROFITEERING and nothing else! For it to last so long, It's simply CRAZY! And they are so proud that they can still make a song and dance of it! Market subsidy is a subsidy? WTF!
Their perpetual, "It's my way or the highway" attitude towards Singaporeans is hubris at its worse! The way they put the blame on everyone except themselves for the bad state we are in is FRUSTRATING! Just think Mas Selamat! Just think of the crowd and the smell you get when you are in the MRT or bus! Or when you pay for the new taxi fare or ERP :) FRUSTRATING is an understatement!
Their control of mainstream media has reached a stage of almost beyond redemption. The lack of reporting in the exchanges between Lee's and Chee's at Belinda's court and the continuous callous exposure of Tan Lead Shake's tragedy of a death and alleged murder in his family through it's reporters and forum writer lacks the rudiment of decency! It's INHUMAN! The fun comes when they run down our neighbours with sodomy and other corrupt/ion stories! Why can't our neighbours be as white? :)
The way they put the blame on price of OIL for our record breaking inflation is HUMILIATING! Just think GST, ERP and and their frigging SALARIES! Yup, we are paying more because they demand more! Sorry chum, "My way or the highway" or your sister, mother and daughter will be maids in other country" and" Singaporean are getting a bargain". Too bad, even the price of Hen and chickens have gone up!
The SWF or SPF which has become a hot potato is PUZZLING! Why so much reserve, so much surplus that is not helping the Singaporeans (the poor Singaporeans) at all? The only people who are having a good time with SWF are the rich elitists controlling the SWF! They decide where to park these hard-earned-money from Singaporeans ( through CPF & HDB, where else?) and put
themselves on a pedestal and earn accolades. They even have the audacity to say that Sovereign Wealth Fund should be called Sovereign Poverty Fund. How apt! Yes, Singaporeans would be more cash-rich if not for the compulsory CPF and crazy HDB prices which end up bailing banks all over the world. And they are too cheap and poor to help Singaporeans on PUBLIC Assistance!!!
The 43rd National Day of Singapore is the day to mourn. To mourn the loss of nationhood and service to nation! National Service has become a JOKE! When I ask younger friends who are still in NS or reservist's training if they would defend Singapore, the asked, "How much? 10% of PM's pay can?"
Yes, it's sad. It's very sad that the Singapore which I served as a NSman way back in 1969-1971 followed by RT and converted to CDF later is no longer the nation that used to be. It's just another hotel; another Inc where only money matters. Where only productivity and money talk! Where if you are over the hill, in health; in connection (with the ruling Club, who else?) or just plain not in the inner circle, you are doomed to picking aluminium cans, empty cartons or depending on your lovely children whom you try so hard not to burden.
The sad fact is the hassle of getting the $330 public assistance may just throw the dignity off some that some prefer to jump onto the MRT track!
National Day in Singapore is not a day to celebrate.
It's a day to reflect on what they have they done to our country!
No, I'm not bitter. I just sad :(
As sad as my feelings for those most close to me when I had my last heart attack and came back from the dead.
As sad as some who have very sick or dying member in their family.
To everyone, even the high and mighty, a little rain must fall.
Maybe it's the time for them to visit the HOUSE of HUMILITY and realise that there are Singaporeans out there! Real Singaporeans who are not paid millions but real peanuts, struggling to seek their own happiness with the little that they have after paying (if they earn enough for a pigeon hole in the air) for their CPF and the HDB flat!
As much as it would be nice, we don't need their sympathy, we don't need their empathy.
We just need a little justice and equality as stated in our National Pledge!