Time For A Ministerial Raise?

More and more Singaporeans are feeling the pinch of inflation. While the price of everyday necessities like food and basic utilities and transportation has hurt many, Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam still has the spunk to say, "Pay rises no cure for inflation"
I understand that the 3rd ministerial salary increase is due soon. With the current situation, the rulers may be scratching their heads wondering if they had painted themselves into a corner? They must be asking themselves:
- "Shall we go ahead with our new fat cheques and announce it?"
- "Shall we enrich ourselves quietly [keeping it away from msm ;)] and not upset the Singasuckers?"
OR - "Shall we finally start walking our talk of "Persatu Padu Bergerak Maju - Staying Together, Moving Ahead" and say,"Enough is enough! We do not need that much! We are sorry for being so greedy! We shall forgo the increase due to the bad job we've done lately! We are sorry for Inflation, sorry for Selamat jalan""
Or am I dreaming?
They may just not give a 'f...ish' to what most Singaporeans and I think. They may just go ahead, press the "on" button of their money printing machine when their increment is due and say, "So what are you going to do about it, SingaSuckers? You have been "bought and fixed" and you shall continue to be B&F because you are too stupid to know of our control of the election boundaries and GRC's and you do not have the guts to change the status quo."
More than dream, many Singaporeans have hope that PAP has heart!
Hope springs eternal!
you are going to be disappointed man on top of having a sick heart, bro. elections are still years away and we can all suck thumb.
there is no good time or bad time for a pay rise. we will bite the bullet and just do it.
Didn't MM already said next 5-10 years is the most promising period. That's is a very good reason for another 20% rise. The whole thing has been palnned.
Shall we give throw some crumbs to the peasants before we announce the salary increase?
I think they will hold off the increment this time round and compound it 'with interest' till after the election is over.
Of course, if they are man with heart, they will hold off the increment and instead lower their package to path the road to bigger success? But then again, that is a dream that will only happen in dreamland. Singapore is living in reality, so don't count on this miracle to happen. If it did happen, they at least proved that they still have a heart afterall.
I think they are addicted to money.
This is the best time for the increment because by the time 2010 or 2011 comes around, the peasants would have forgotten the pain, just like they would have forgotten Mas Selamat slip up, CPF issues and ERP gantries, etc.
If they are men with a heart? Judge yourself. If they can utter such things as forgoing wage increases and just bear with the inflation pain or GST is to help the poor, yeah those are men with a heart indeed!
Just follow law
I think they are just going to use the lame excuse that since it was passed into law (gone through Parliament), they will have "no choice" but to accept it...
After all, they are law abidding citizens right?
In any case, even for their earlier hike, the writings of an economic slowdown were on the wall but that didn't stop them from accepting it...
If the economy is promising, then MM Lee should get $20 million per annum peg to BillGate's salary,PM Lee should get $21 million, President $22 million,Wong Cant Sing,pay him $250,000 per annum due to his complacency.Chow Chee xyz@@##
This is a golden opportunity for the PM and his cabinet to give themselves a pay rise.
The PM will then announce that he will donate the pay rise to charity and you guys cannot say he has not heart. Afterall this is his second donation and how many can match him.
Don't be surprised that the other cabinet members do the same.
They will recover their losses by givimg themselves bigger performance bonuses later on.
Sorry folks, I happen to be their PR advisor.
Go ahead and cuss them, the spineless PM and the eunuchs are well aware that the money comes with the cussing. LOL.
Relax...the next 5-10 yrs is the only window of golden opportunity..and no other team than the PAP can bring you the pot at the end of the rainbow..have some perspective..we're talking peanuts <$1 billion for Ministerial pay rise for the billions they managed..UBS, Citigroup losing $$? Relax..we think long long long term when we are no longer around to answer or account for the losses, stupid. Giving a gold coin to the poor isnt going to help him, he'll lose his work ethos.
It is never a bad time to have a ministerial pay raise. The reality is the PM does not need to seek our permission nor advice and he feels that way because of the strong mandate with 82 PAP members in parliament. Frankly, you folks can cuss them but they are the ones laughing with all the money.
Yes, don't worry about those investments by the father and daughter-in-law, it is planned for 3 generations down the road and only they have the vision to see that far ahead. Our great grand children will be thankful. LOL.
Following what tewniaseng said in the comments. I guess it's too much for them to volunteer for $1 salary.
This is why Google dominates, because it's headed by leaders with passion, not driven by greed.
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