Does it hurt a very old man to be haunted by arrogant and heartless decisions he made decades ago? We were told to take our time to say "Yes" to marriage. We were taught to fook with Birth Control Pills, Coitus Interruptus, Condoms, Rhythm Method, etc. We were threatened that we were too poor and too daft to procreate. Lest we get dafter children! Our genes just couldn't make it! Singaporeans were even encouraged to get sterilised like dogs and cats to enjoy financial incentives! Whose fookin' idea was it? Now he wants more babies??? I can't find a better word but to borrow from Jack Lord's Steve MacGarrett of Hawaii-Five-O's famous two words . . . "Fook him!"
Or was it "Book him"?
In the same way that Goh Chok Tong sucker-punched himself by calling his daughter a "quitter" for not residing in Singapore, is Lee Kuan Yew now shooting his own foot by advising Joan Sim not to end up childless like his daughter, Wei Ling?
In a forum at NTU [
Link], Joan Sim, 27, asked Ex-MM Lee a question about social cohesiveness. Instead of answering the question, he urged the doctoral student, who is single, to get married and have children soon. Why he had to embarrass the young lady with personal questions like age and relationship status is beyond me. Why can't he just give a straight answer and respect the wish of ladies like his own daughter who wish to remain single and childless? Unless I'm missing some, what has social cohesiveness got to do with sex and babies? Or does 'social cohesion' in new-fangled English mean sex in the fooking sense?
In the same forum, "Pressed by undergraduate Muhammad Farouq Osman, who cited a Straits Times report on how Singapore has a "Third World wage structure, Mr Lee dismissed the report with a laugh, saying: "It is easy for an editor of the Straits times to write that. But if he is in charged of the economic policies and he has to consider the long-term consequences of changing the policy, he will have to think very carefully through it."
He then asked Mr Farouq what he thought should be done for the lower and middle-income groups. When silence ensued, Mr Lee said patiently: "Think over it carefully, then you ask me the question the next time we meet."
Wouldn't it be orgasmic if Farouq answered, "Hey, you the man! You are the expert here fielding the questions. I don't get the obscene millions every year like you do, the bodyguards and the 5 secretaries and office help you get for free! You asking me?" Yes, it would be priceless if Farouq had retorted . . . like what Reuter's Melanie Lee did! [
Why are NTU students so easily bullied by ex-MM who is past his best-by-date. I don't understand why they asked questions of an old man and ended up being made fools of without doing the slightest to protect their self esteem and honour! Or is getting ridiculed by ex-MM in front of a 1700 audience equivalent to receiving a badge of honour? Are they masochists to please the sadist? Or is NTU Students' Union, part of NTUC? Part of PAP? To glorify the man at any price . . . before he bites the dust?
I hope not. I honestly think that Farouq and Joan are young decent Singaporeans doing right, asking pertinent questions that impact the well-being of all Singaporeans. It is just unfortunate that the man fielding the questions is an arrogant, callous bullying prick.
There was a write-up on the same shit that happened 2 years ago at NUS [
May be what the old man said is correct: "We haven't been brighter as a population; we have become more educated, that's all". Is that why we have MPs like Kate Spade in Marine Parade and Kee Chiu in Tanjong Pagar!
I simply don't understand why NTUSU and other organisations enjoy inviting this old man. To get more publicity, more eyeballs? Like his son who left him out of the Cabinet, why not let the old man walk into the sunset with honour and respect. Why let him cause havoc to his stature as an ex-statesman by belittling others and losing self-respect for himself? In the same breath that he described university graduates as educated but not bright, would one describe him as a brightly educated and experienced old man who is past his use-by-date?
I do not understand what the Ex-PM-Ex-SM-Ex-MM wishes to achieve by scoring against the young ones in such condescending and reprimanding manner? He did his son and George Yeo (and other ex-PAP Aljunied MPs) no good when he threatened residents of Aljunied GRC that they will have to repent for the next five years if they voted WP. The residents have decisively voted against his wish! Residents there have cocked him a snook which he so richly deserves!
So being politically aware after the election means you just got excited for the election and voted for one party or the other does not mean you are politically aware. If you are politically aware, your vote must have been much wiser." [
Link] So the 40% in the May GE were daft while the 35% in the recent PE were wise?
Oops, excuse me while I go repent in my daftiness . . .
What is written above is meant to tickle your funnybones. Now comes the serious part: My grandparents and parents taught me that respect cannot be commanded. You need to work and earn it. "Bo Tua Bo Suay" works both ways. "Being old" does not equate to "being wise, respected or honoured". Hubris, contempt for the less endowed, false pride, insensitivity and senior age do not make one "old and wise". Locking up one's opponents without trial for decades does not make one "old and wise". Writing memoir after memoir in whatever language to validate one's being does not make one "old and wise". Ultimately, we die. The legacy one leaves behind is left to the perception and interpretation of each individual who cares enough to seek. Most don't even give a fook!