Sunday, February 24, 2013

Singaporeans Are Emboldened, Not Beholden

Since posting up "Majulah Singapura" [Link], I have taken the effort to take a break to seek for 'bahagia" or "joy".

I'm now in a kampong where there are chickens and roosters everywhere (the kampong type). I am away from the maddening crowd of 5.3million. I am in a place where passengers greet their bus driver with "Good Morning/Afternoon" or "Hello" when they board the bus. They say "Goodbye" or "Have a nice day" to the driver when they alight. I am at a place where the bus driver (and passengers of the bus) gives me a smile when I hold back everybody by asking the driver if I boarded the correct bus (because I'm a 'suaku' in this place). When I get a seat, the person beside me would ask me where do I come from, chat me up and make me feel at home.

They do not give me the dirty look (or quietly curse me) for delaying them from where they want to go.  If I were in Singapore, many may go: "Delay no more" sounding like "Tiu leh lo mo" (say that in Cantonese) and wish that I had never boarded the bus.

No Sir, I'm not blaming Singaporeans for being impatient. I believe that the chase for money; for being number one, for not wanting to lose out to our neighbours (next door, or country-wise, north and south) has make us what we are. We, not all though, are chasing our own tails, following the style of our leaders to leech as many people as possible (even our fellow citizens) to get rich quick! Making a mockery of NS by paying themselves millions! In so doing, we may have lost our humanity to be decent and be kind to each other. Instead of win-win situation, many of us has become like PAP to win at all cost at the expense of all others - by means of 'fixing and buying' regardless of how much harm we may cause others!

Looking back to the wet Saturday of 16 Feb 2013 at Hong Lim Park, I do feel that about 4,000 (or whatever you figure from the pic) Singaporeans ( including foreigners) care enough to do right for Singapore. To be in this "happy place" now with lovely strangers who treat you dearer than friends is to be in Singapore between 4pm to 7pm in Hong Lim Park, Saturday of 16 Feb 2013! If I may, the desire of each of the participant there was to tell PM Lee Hsien Loong and his very rich ministers and well connected MPs that :
Since my last blog, I know not what is happening in Singapore because I'm in a kampong without news from Singapore. I managed to get hold of some internet time and I'm glad to write to let my dear readers know that I'm doing good.

As much as PAP keeps threatening Singaporeans of "SILVER TSUNAMI" and that more taxes are required to support the "old fogeys", hence more immigrant workers are needed, I wish PAP to know that that's crap! Seniors in Singapore do not take advantage of the system to selfishly enrich themselves. They are not like the ministers who took advantage of the power to pay themselves millions at the expense of the taxpayers!

The PAP government does nothing much for the seniors in Singapore. The dignity that old fogeys have is beyond the imagination of PAP hotshots in ivory towers! We seniors neither beg nor sell our souls to PAP for a few dollars more! The way that we were brought up, the culture that we have do not permit us to beg from arrogant pricks to make our lives better. If we cannot take care of ourselves through our own hard effort and savings, our children will take care of us. And if there are no children, friends and relatives will help us. We do not want to lose our dignity, our sleep, to beg from PAP's MPs for which we are expected to be beholden to them.

It is so sickening to read in the msm of PAP's ministers and MPs distributing 'ang pows' to residents. Are these "publicity whores" fishing for loyalty with future potential votes or are they truly appearing in the limelight doing good with their heart of gold?

If they know not,
I'd like them to know
Emboldened we are
Beholden we are not

Let not the PAP's arrogance and contempt of Singaporeans destroy the peace and unity that we have for almost 5 decades!

Do you hear the people sing?


Dear PM Lee and PAP, it is already tough for us average Singaporeans to achieve "BAHAGIA". Please do not take it away from us by importing another 100,000 aliens every year till 2030 to reach 6.9M!

Why lead us to such misery?



At February 24, 2013 at 5:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are many many chicken here?

At February 24, 2013 at 6:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The immigration agents are doing a roaring business now. Such are the long queues for appointments to seek visas to greener and bigger and less crowdef pastures since the 6.9M thunderbolt striked.

At February 24, 2013 at 9:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is only one reason they have: selfish survival. Singaporeans need to fight for our own survival.

At February 24, 2013 at 10:08 PM , Blogger Gintai_昇泰 said...

Welcome back Datuk Fish. We thought we've lost you when we didn't hear from for you for quite some time. Glad that you are well and alive! Take care and keep writing! Cheers!

February 24, 2013 at 10:07 PM

At February 24, 2013 at 10:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother Fish,
So glad that you are back.

Thanks for your blog.

All Singaporeans need to be united to fight against PAPigs and their foreign trashes. We need to take back our country.

At February 24, 2013 at 11:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tun Fish. Welcome back to internet world and hope you're having a well deserved vacation at the kampung :-)

Look forward to seeing you back here soon.....

At February 24, 2013 at 11:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Singapore should rejoin malaya. singaporeans should be able to use cpf to buy house in malaya. singaporeans should boycott all the shops that employed foreign service staff. only hard labour jobs and maid jobs for foreigners, all service level and pmets jobs should be reserved for singaporeans only.

At February 25, 2013 at 12:34 AM , Blogger mwtk said...

wong tong kwong

Mr Fish, welcome back.Looking forward to more of your articles.

At February 25, 2013 at 8:34 AM , Blogger Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Fish, may I disagree with you about the govt not taking care of the seniors in the grandest way possible. Some seniors are being paid in the millions, some hundreds of thousands, for doing sweet fuck all.

We need more foreigners to support these well endowed seniors to keep them rich, very rich and very happy. Not the seniors in the void decks.

At February 25, 2013 at 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real reasons or excuses in importing new citizens?

Why they want the Singapore citizenships?

Singapore is a temporary place for them ,has better infrastructures, but they know that Singapore they lure them with some sweets, later they that back a few times? Because they need to pay them multi-millions salaries, so they got to get the money back from new citizens? It is not easy to pay the equivalent the few times of salaries, with the similar populations, and no natural resources, so they got to get from more and more new citizens?

Singapore is higher pay, then back homes, so they can sent money back to feed their family, they know Singapore costs is rising, Singapore is the six most expensive place in the world to live,and more and more people are coming so cost will keep rising? The strategy of keep, importing more and more people, will make the cost keep rising?

They come here temporary,to get the citizenships, because Singapore passport easy access to the world, then their third world countries?

They know now they are now new citizens, later they will become old citizens, and they jobs taken, by the new citizens coming and the cycle go on? Later they finish earning enough they will go back to their cheaper countries?

Like Hong Kong simply difficult to cope with building more cheap housing, with so many people overcrowding and people getting old?

Many old citizens lost their job, live on savings if they finish they savings, can't pay their housing, they got to sleep in the beach or street, this is no joke?

If they stay here with their children, later their children jobs will be taken away by cheaper foreigners too?

Another 30 percents of the new citizens and are going to take their jobs away?

At February 25, 2013 at 11:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a paramid systems, people need to recruit more and more people from the downline and pay the top heavy upline?

At February 25, 2013 at 11:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Singapore business got to cope with rising Rental, COE, ERP, Levis & GST, to pay their multi-million$ salaries, so got to find cheaper and cheaper foreign workers to cope with the rising costs?

At February 25, 2013 at 11:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Multi-millions pays, ten times of high successful Nordic countries minister pay, need to depress the bottom of local, with more and more, cheaper and cheaper foreign workers, so can get maximium profits to pay themselves? No other countries able to affort multi millions ministers except Singapore, only our countries, need so many foreign workers? New foreign cheap worker come milk enough go back another batch come?

Why other countries don't use this method, we are only just an island, with no natural resources?

At February 25, 2013 at 1:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Massive recruitment of 30 percents downline or 1.7million people to fund the topline?

At February 25, 2013 at 1:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall Tan See Jay commenting about PaPigs won the last election only with new citizen votes as their % votes compensated swing %.....Until now, not even a single PaPig worth their black heart came out with their statistical piece of crap evidence to rebut the allegation.

TRUE ????

At February 25, 2013 at 2:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At February 25, 2013 at 2:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If keeping on recruiting more and more people to Singapore, the larger and larger population need more of every things schools, housing, educations, jobs, hospitals, Singapore last time 2 millions worried about shortage,now want 7millions something wrong is it? then concentrate on locals to grow the economic, it take some time but better than add in more and more people, where the workers pay depress or lost their jobs to cheaper foreign workers, many scandinavia countries proof it, don't to use the keep on importing populatons to drive the economy? This method temporary brought some good but long term effect has very serious side effect and is difficult to reverse, got to put more and more resource to take care of the jobs and poor or many of the poor unable to get social assistance sleep in the beach or street?

Many countries don't want to use the human paramid methods, because when fall out or the world suffer recessions, lots of people got poor or out of jobs if more population more will lost their job, simple supply and demand theory?

Small population is easier to find jobs for them then larger populations?

At February 25, 2013 at 2:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Around 10 percents support/vote might be due to the profit sharing scheme during the election 2011, see PE results from winning 55 to 41 percents, drop to losing 53 to 43 percents?

2 and the half percents is due to walkover late 30 percents disqualifications during the TP Con.y. - GRC?

So the actual support is around 47 percents only?

At February 25, 2013 at 2:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 sec late disqualifications?

At February 25, 2013 at 3:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Total seats contested equal 87 seats.

With GRC 92 percent seats = to 81 seats (60 percents of votes)?

40 percents seats equal 35 seats if SME

6 seats oppositions equal 8 percents of seats?

40 percents minus 8 percent seats equal 29 seats if no GRC only SMC?

At February 25, 2013 at 3:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So 29 seats is through GRC?

At February 25, 2013 at 3:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So through GRC system the ones with higher percentage of votes and give to the weaker percentages or pull down by the weaker percentage?

40 percents of the seats equal 35 seats, 6 or 8 percents of the seats go to oppositions, even oppositions has 40 percents of the votes, 29 seats or 32 percents of seats go to there ruling parties due to the GRC system?

At February 25, 2013 at 4:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If no GRC or all single seats oppositions should get 35 seats?

At February 25, 2013 at 4:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fish, you've jogged my memory of the good old days of communal living in old Chinatown. I recall we were sharing common toilets, a communal kitchen. In those days a simple wage earning carpenter could on his $200 salary alone support a big family of 8 children plus 2 adults. Nowadays, he would find it difficult even to support himself ! This is how bad life has become ! Swiss standard of living ?

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At June 9, 2018 at 5:02 PM , Blogger گلنار جودی said...

درمان هموروئید با لیزر دیگر احتیاجی به بیهوشی شخص مبتلا نیست و به حالت سرپایی با بی حسی موضعی قابل درمان است.

At June 9, 2018 at 5:03 PM , Blogger گلنار جودی said...

هنگامی که فرد مبتلا به بواسیر یا هموروئید توسط پزشک معاینه میگردد ونوع و درجه بواسیر آن تشخیص داده شد به صلاح دید پزشک از یکی از روشهای درمان هموروئید زیر جهت مداوای بیمارخود اقدام می کند جهت مشاهده هر یک از روشهای درمانی بروی لینکهای زیر کلیک کنید.

At July 2, 2018 at 4:14 PM , Blogger reyhan said...

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At July 18, 2018 at 5:09 PM , Blogger htn said...

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At September 6, 2018 at 9:52 AM , Blogger fatma said...

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At January 26, 2019 at 9:06 PM , Anonymous blog said...

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At May 22, 2019 at 2:55 PM , Blogger reyhan said...

تمامی هواپیماها در شبیه ساز پرواز از نظر کابین خلبان به صورت دقیق و حرفه ایی طراحی شده اند به طوریکه چنانچه دو عکس واقعی و شبیه سازی شده را در کنار یکدیگر قرار دهید مشاهده خواهید کرد که تمامی سیستم های شبیه سازی شده همانند واقعیت می باشند.

At August 10, 2019 at 6:49 PM , Anonymous تهویه مطبوع said...

مدیرعامل شرکت تهویه نوین ایرانیان، در مصاحبه‌ای به بیان ویژگی‌های تهویه مطبوع پرداخته است.

به گزارش ایسنا به نقل از روابط عمومی شرکت تهویه نوین ایرانیان، متن مصاحبه مدیرعامل شرکت تهویه نوین ایرانیان، رضا علی‌نژاد را در ادامه می‌خوانیم.

انجام عملیاتی روی هوا تا بتوان شرایط هوای محل موردنظر را برای زیستن، کار کردن یا عملیات صنعتی معین، راحت و بهداشتی کرد و به حد مطلوب برسانیم. تهویه مطبوع باعث می‌شود شرایط دما طبق روش خاصی به‌صورت خودکار ثابت بماند یا تغییر کند.

تهویه مطبوع یا هوا رسانی دلپذیر یا هوایش دلپذیر شاخه‌ای از مهندسی مکانیک است. وظیفه آن تأمین شرایطی است که موجب رفاه انسان شود و برای نگهداری محصول یا فرآیند خاص مورد نیاز باشد. برای انجام چنین عملی دستگاهی با ظرفیت مناسب بایستی نصب و در طی سال کنترل شود. ظرفیت دستگاه با حداکثر بار لحظه‌ای واقعی تعیین می‌شود و نوع کنترل نیز با توجه به شرایطی که باید در طی مدت اعمال پیک‌ بار و بار جزئی تأمین شود، مشخص می‌شود.

نگاره یک چرخه خنک‌سازی ۱- مبدل حرارتی (کندانسور) ۲- شیر انبساط ۳- اواپراتور ۴- کمپرسور

کاربردهای تهویه مطبوع

الف -کاربری عام مثل سرد و گرم کردن منازل و مجتمع‌های اداری و تجاری

در کاربری عام فقط کنترل دما مدنظر می‌باشد.

ب-کاربری خاص مثل خنک کاری اتاق‌های سرور، سالن‌های تولید مواد غذایی، اتاق‌های عمل

در این نوع کاربری علاوه برکنترل دما کنترل رطوبت و کنترل ریزگردها صورت می‌گیرد.

انواع سیستم‌های تهویه مطبوع

تهویه مطبوع به سیستمی گفته می‌شود که بتواند سه فاکتور، رطوبت، دما و سرعت جریان هوا را کنترل کند. به‌صورت کلی تمام سیستم‌های تهویه مطبوع بر یک اصل استوارند که گرما و سرما را به محل مورد نظر منتقل می‌کنند. بر اساس نوع سیال می‌توان سیستم‌های تهویه مطبوع را به دو دسته:

۱- سیستم‌هایی که مستقیماً در کویل سرمایشی آنها مبرد جریان دارد، داکت اسپلیت، اسپلیت دیواری، پکیج روفتاپ.

۲- سیستم‌هایی که در کویل سرمایشی آنها آب وجود دارد؛ چیلر و فن کویل در هر دو سیستم توسط فن، هوای سرد به محیط منتقل می‌شود.

شرکت مهندسی تهویه نوین ایرانیان عرضه‌کننده محصولات سرمایشی، گرمایشی می‌باشد که در زمینه فروش، اجرا و نگهداری سیستم‌های سرمایشی و گرمایشی (شامل چیلر، فن کوئل، داکت اسپلیت و مینی چیلر) و همچنین تاسیسات و تهویه مطبوع فعالیت دارد. این شرکت با بهره‌گیری از کادری مجرب و حرفه‌ای، متشکل از مهندسین باتجربه و نیروهای متخصص بر آن است در مسیر تحقق مشتری مداری گام‌هایی موثرتر بردارد. در این راستا با ارائه محصولاتی با کیفیت، عملکردی مطلوب، هزینه‌ای بهینه و نیز خدمات پس از فروش در پی جلب رضایت مشتریان گرامی است.

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