
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

And Another One Bites The Dust!

It's not about the sad departure of Farah Fawcett, Michael Jackson or Anthony Yeo. It's the death of a Voice. A voice much liked by some Singaporeans whose voices cannot be heard in parliament. A voice that scares the shit of a powerful house because truth hurts! Truths that wake people up, stir the hornets' nest and create enlightenment that will cost votes!

They Don't Want My Favourite Botak Anymore because Mr Siew Kum Hong has been a pain in the posterior of those who make a living by "fixing opposition and buying votes".

It's tough for them to accept that Siew Kum Hong makes sense in Parliament and put some (not all) of the ruling MPs to shame, especially those not working hard for their money in representing their constituents. Those that do nothing but merely earn their keep by being rubber stamps in parliament, protecting their own turf, PAP's turf but not that of Singaporeans!

I guess in his pursuit "to build a democratic society based on justice and equality so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation", Mr Siew Kum Hong has become a liability to the power that is if he continues to be a NMP.

I'm not surprised at all that Mr Siew is not re-appointed. In fact, I'm sure it is a serious act to set an example to all new Nominated Members of Parliament on how to (and not to) behave and what to (and not to) say in Parliament.

Alas, another awesome opportunity to "staying together moving ahead - bersatu padu begerak maju" has gone NATO. No Action, Talk Only! The hype of being "inclusive" is a hype indeed. It's become a sad joke!

Mr Siew, I appreciate you for speaking for me in parliament. Should you find a stranger asking you for permission to kiss your Botak Head, it'll be me asking for Laurent Blanc-Fabian Barthez Good Luck Special!

Thank you so much and please keep keeping it up at your blog. [Link]



  1. Ultimately it was his role in the Aware saga that cost him a re-appointment. It's sad that the furore from the anti-gay camp made us lose a brave and sometimes lonely voice of real democratic opinion. Good luck Mr Siew.

  2. While I am not a gay-activists, the loss of a "voice" is tragic. At least, I have the gut to say I do not agree with Mr Siew's push for gay right; but I still like to have him as a "voice" for the people. Thank you Mr. Siew.

    Speaking from "Wanna Voice"

  3. No surprise when 7 out of 8 in the special select committee are PAP stooges. Siew embarrassed these stooges with his performance in parliament. It is up to Siew to prove he can return thru' his own effort by taking part in the next GE.

  4.عملية تدبيس المعدة
    نبذة عن عملية تدبيس المعدة
    تدبيس المعدة هي واحدة من أقدم عمليات السمنة، والتي تمكن مرضى السمنة المفرطة من الوصول إلى الوزن المثالي، وخسارة كميات الوزن الزائد من خلال تصغير حجم المعدة.

  5. يمكنك معرفة خرفات التجارة فى سوق الفوركس من خلال تصفحك لموقع افضل شركات الفوركس بالسعودية.

  6. عيادات تكميم المعدة في مصر
    تعتبر عملية تكميم المعدة بدون جراحة الحل الأمثل لمن عانوا كثيراً من الفشل فى النزول فى الوزن بالدايت أو الرياضة .فهذه ليست النهاية لهم. توجد حلول جديدة و متطورة و هى جراحات السمنة التى حققت حلم كان يراود الكثيرين و هو النزول فى الوزن و الوصول للوزن المثالى.
    عيادات تكميم المعدة في مصر
