Thanks To PAP's Liberal Acceptance of Immigrants, We Are Fooked AfookGAIN!
The insult and torture continues . . .
The tenor of the debate has unnerved some Chinese immigrants, and angered others. Wang Quancheng, the chairman of the Hua Yuan Association, the largest organization representing mainlanders, said the government was not doing enough to help integrate new arrivals, but he also blamed Singaporeans for their intolerance and said many were simply jealous that so many Chinese immigrate here with money in their pockets.
“Of course, the new arrivals are rich or else the government would have to feed them,” he said. “Some locals are very lazy and live off the government. When new immigrants come, they think it is competition, taking away their rice bowls.” [Link] and [Link]
We were called "dogs" and our PAP leader (Was it a certain Mr Baey???) asked us to look within ourselves and reflect. Now we are deemed to be intolerant, jealous "very lazy and live off the government" and we are supposed to suck it all up for the orgasmic thrill of Wang Quancheng, the chairman of the Hua Yuan Association?
Pardon my expression but I have to borrow from Rockson's [Link] favourite Hokkien swear phrase: "KNNMCCB !!! Wang Quancheng!!!" And the same exclamation goes to the leeders of PAP who through their callousness brought such insults upon us Singaporeans, not excluding the misery of making us compete for HDB flats, a seat in a bus or MRT, a bed in the hospital and the air that we breathe . . .
There is only so much that born-and-bred Singaporeans can tolerate . .
And I'm waiting to hear what the honourable PAP mintsters and MP have to say . . . "look within ourselves and reflect more??????"
Or are they just simply going to move on and . . . shut the fook up?
And if we hear nothin' from them. . . .
Just Fook'em dead . . . now, 2016 and forever. . .
Even though they are in 'Love At First Light"