Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Like American Express Advertisement, PAP MP Has Its Privileges

I read this article from Publichouse [Link] of a Mr Paul Liew and Mr Wong Xiong trying to save a taxi uncle, Mr Tan  from being assaulted by a group of angmo (filthy bullying white trash). In doing what is right and honourable, they too were badly beaten up by the same white drunken sons of whatyouliketocall. [Mr Liew's picture from Publichouse is on the left.]

Irresponsible police officers!
Officers in Singapore Police Force are supposed to protect us from harm and to do justice right. The crap that Mr Liew and Mr Wong received in their dealing with the police shows service from the SPF leaves much to be desired. I do not understand why the police were so fast and efficient when PAP Seng Han Thong was set on fire. They were also very quick in their investigations and arrests when MP Denise Phua reported to them about a threatening karung guni man [Link] or when Jessie Phua [Link] complained about a frustrated 17-year-old boy (son of a mother asking for help at a Meet-The-People-Session) throwing temper (chair).  I guess PAP members, not ordinary commoners, have their privileges.

In reading the exchanges between the police and Mr Wong and Mr Liew, we can understand the annoyance and frustration Of Mr Liew and Mr Wong. The can't-be-bothered police response in the delay in getting the medical report from SGH shows the standard of our police work. It truly gets your goat!

There's No Judge in Singapore Zoo and No Kangaroo in Singapore Court!
Or is there? How long does it take for justice to be done? Weeks? Years? It depends. Based on the above examples, if you belong to PAP, it may take days or weeks. However if you are not connected, it may take months or years! If you happen to be a taxi driver like Mr Tan, good luck to you! If not for the presence of Mr Liew and Mr Wong, the atrocious beating of Mr Wong by the foreign talents may not have seen the light of day!

The poor karang guni man, for his threat (not actually committing any physical violence) on Denise Phua, was sentenced to 6 months jail. However, as reported in NZHerald [Link], drunken bully "Australian Nathan Miller, was sentenced on Monday to three weeks' jail after he admitted a charge of causing hurt." 6 months jail for a threat from a local karung guni man (reported to have mental illness) to a MP but only 3 weeks for actual harm and injury caused by a foreigner to a commoner? Different folks, different strokes. Did sentences came from a court or a zoo? Or could it be mutually exclusive?

The fact that 2 of the accused managed to jump bail shows that our judiciary is not a zoo. It must be a kangaroo that helped the New Zealander and Brit flee Singapore. It's good knowledge that Singapore can manage to ensure that Chee Soon Juan (due to his being bankrupted by Father, Son & Goh) does not pass immigration but it's is ludicrous to note that New Zealander Robert Stephen Dahlberg, 34 and Briton Robert James Springall can "run road" after the physical violence they inflicted on Mr Tan, Mr Liew and Mr Wong.

"Build a democratic society based on justice and equality?

No wonder LKY said its just an aspiration. What a shame!

Fook the System!

No, we need not fook the system. We should better the system instead. To do what's decent; what's right; what's honourable. The leaders, the highly paid Ministers of Law and Home Affairs and their cronies should and must answer to this shameful miscarriage of justice and deplorable attitude and work of its officers. Though I do not get a cent of their $millions, I humbly suggest that they change the 'bo chap" (do not care) attitude of their police officers. Maybe they should pay them right, recognise their effort and not their balls carrying humbug. However, if the bosses (including elitist ministers and their cronies) prefer to have their balls (Chariot?) carried rather than getting honourable work done, then Singapore is fooked.

We are all fooked!



At February 14, 2012 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May I encourage all Singaporeans who have been bullied by foreign thrash.

Please vote wisely in GE 2016.

Today, you get beaten up.
Tomorrow, it will be your wife and your children.

Unless and until a Minister's child gets beaten up by a foreign thrash.
The deaf frogs will not listen.

At February 14, 2012 at 10:41 AM , Blogger Gintai_昇泰 said...

Excellent write up. Really can't agree with you more. The system is rotting at its core! Something is very wrong with our society.

One great S'porean who loves his country very much wrote this recently. Written by a patriotic citizen. Take a look. http://gintai.wordpress.com/2012/02/14/hard-truths-and-hard-myths/

At February 14, 2012 at 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks and good article.

can of worms is really starting to pour out.

One standard for someone, another standard for others.

At February 14, 2012 at 11:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. Mr Fish, thank you for speaking up for your fellow man.

At February 14, 2012 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At February 14, 2012 at 1:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need the ministry of foreign affairs to get the extradition done. This will encourage more Singaporeans to do what is right for other Singaporeans. Compare this to China where passerby just pass by when a kid is run over by a few vehicles... we need to acknowlegde our heroes in Singapore. I think Mr Liew and company should get an award from the Police instead of getting screwed - now.

At February 14, 2012 at 2:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teo Chee Hean and Shamugam should come clean on these two fleeing incidents. Otherwise we all have to believe there is indeed a conspiracy at work between the court and the government.

At February 14, 2012 at 3:14 PM , Blogger Diary of a Singaorean Cabby said...

Media-Corp's TV host, Quan Yifeng, got a "probation" for an altercation with a cab driver, whereas a poor man was sentenced to 2 years jail for stealing $2 to buy food. Like the case in your article, justice in Singapore is dispensed according to who you are and whom you know.

At February 14, 2012 at 3:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Their actions seems to prove Alan Shahrake was right in his allegations afterall.

Yet they had the guts to jail the author for highlighting something that is seriously wrong in our judicial system.

Are our Law or Home Ministers not ashamed of themselves ?

At February 14, 2012 at 3:26 PM , Blogger Kaffein said...

Funny thing is the Home Team aka the police has a lot of time to spend to follow and track down Chee Soon Juan, Goplan Nair and other political dissidents.

I guess you are more a 'criminal' when you join the opposition team as compared to someone who can seriously assault someone. Even better if you are an angmoh.

'Nuff said,

At February 14, 2012 at 8:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading Mr Wong's account and justice meted out to the only angmo here as against the garang guni man's case make me angry.
From young, we were told to fear
the police (mata will catch you)
Looks like our police and the courts in turn fear the angmos

At February 14, 2012 at 9:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TCH: WTFish...why can't the angmoh swim out of singapore..then i can blame our long coastline

At February 14, 2012 at 9:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is only the beginning...wait till the floodgate opens for American GIs on our shore...then...

At February 14, 2012 at 10:06 PM , Anonymous Les Paul said...

Please vote PAP out. Don't be a fool anymore my fellow singaporean. They(PAP) don' t care about you really. Meet any arrogant people lately? I tell you PAP are 10 time more arrogant!

At February 14, 2012 at 11:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we not know aleady? The law here doesn't protect citizens. You want longer jail term? Try company fraud. See how long they jail someone who cheats money of a company.

Look at Taiwan, when Makiyo, an artise and her Japanese friend were involved in kicking a taxi driver, their passports are impounded pending investigation. And look at Singapore...

No Justice

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