Goodness gracious me! Did you get the facts?

Part of what Ms Salma Khalik wrote on "Answers Needed For Twins' Fund" may be a little embarrassing for some.
"The committee's existence came to light when Mr Khaw was replying to Mr Baey Yam Keng, an MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, who had asked if SGH and his ministry would release money for Jamuna's treatment.
He noted that newspaper reports had said that Dr Goh had asked for funds to treat her.
But Mr Khaw replied that SGH had not received a request from Dr Goh, or any other doctor, to release funds for Jamuna's treatment.
The minister then suggested that Mr Baey check his facts and added that not all reports were accurate.
He said: 'Like the Member, I also read the report in the newspaper. So here is an example of not all reports are factual, so you have to double-check your facts. And the facts are as what I've presented in my reply just now.'
But a Sunday Times check with SGH confirmed that it had received a funding request from Dr Goh last month.
Its spokesman said: 'SGH has promptly asked him to furnish the proposed treatment plan for Jamuna, which will be forwarded to the Nepalese Twins Fund Disbursement Committee for its evaluation.'' Read more at Aug 31, 2008 VIEWPOINT
We have been led to believe that ministers in Singapore are the best of the best and we are fortunate to have them at "bargain" price of only millions of dollars. Is this an example of how good they are? This "lau kar kui kor" incident (roughly translated from Hokien "shit all over the pants") is another sign of brazen arrogance of the million $,$$$,$$$ leaders.
I may be wrong but I guess Ms Salma Khalik wrote this piece to show that her report is indeed factual and accurate. For that, I take my hat off to to her for this rare expose. Now do we get a "gracious' retraction from a VVIP or is someone going to lose the job like Mr Brown for writing "People are fed up with progress"?
For the ad nauseam cheerleading that's coming out from ST, I'm indeed grateful to Ms Khalik for having the guts to tell it like it is. I respect her for taking on a minister for the sake of integrity and honest reporting.
With the control, fear-mongering, and "PAP knows best" attitude, it is a breath of fresh air to read Ms Khalik's viewpoint. If she can do what she does when things done by the government sucks, I guess the least we can do is one of the following when we are fed up with progress:
1.Talk to your MP (we may waste our time as they have no time)
2. Write to the press (hardly get published)
3. B&B - Blog & Bitch
I have done my part of full-time NS way back in '69. I contributed towards Singapore thereafter by working to make a living thus helping in the economic progress. I also contributed by having productive sex to create some babies (though they made it hell for me if I had more than 2). Being a grandpa now, I make myself useful to Singapore by B&B.
Even though a commoner heartlander, I believe that I have as much right as the next guy (elite) to voice my concerns. As much as I've been talked down, insulted and idiotised by the "gracious" government, I'm as Singaporean as the Lee's, Goh or Khaw! The only difference is I'm much poorer and don't have a voice in parliament.
As much as my friends and loved ones are fearful of me being "fixed' and done in by my politically incorrect blog, I still do so because I believe that "Sedikit sedikit, lama lama jadi bukit!" If enough people speak up or blog, the power will be forced to step out of their ivory tower to do some decent work, like knowing that there are poor and homeless beggars in Singapore, and actually helping them.
Yes, there's fear in speaking out. I'm sure they have the machinery to track me down and sift me out even I'm blogging anonymously. But if we continue to accept their chutzpah and high handedness without a whimper, we are doing more harm than good to our country and ourselves.
As long as there are people to remind the rulers that life for the masses is different from the elite, we are doing something right. At the risks of being charged for defamation, sodomy and what have you, I think if we do nothing, we deserve the crap that's dished out.
In fact, ministers should be happy that feedback from some bloggers helps them do their job better. If I'm as audacious as they are, I'd say part of the million $,$$$,$$$ salary (paid to ministers) should go to the bloggers for their contribution (time & effort in writing blogs for free) in building an "inclusive society" that can "stay and move ahead together".
Yes, the feedback and comments worth much!
Why does one tries like hell, (with statistics?) every year in the month of the hungry ghosts, to glorify oneself, telling how much one and one’s rich elite party has done and will do for Sinkies!
Yes, every 7 moon of the lunar year, we need to feed the hungry ghosts. In the same month, the son of the father also needs to feed his bloody hungry ego and draw himself a 10/10 report card for the whole world to see!
While most are sick and tired of his annual “mee siam mai hum”, he still tries very hard to be a comedian. The one on “I (Govt) Not Stupid” was really stupid! The one on “Stop At 2″ really takes the cake! One up on his dad?
Then again, for $3.1million per annum (or is it $3.7M), he needs to show that that he is working harder and better than Bob Hope, Jerry Seinfeld, The 3 Stooges and George Bush put together.
With the ‘arrogance, greed and fear breeding” of the leaders followed by the veneered “msm knows best’ & “carry boss’s bollocks and looking down on you peasants” reporting, we have created a culture and a “to each is own, dog eat dog, don’t mess with, but support PAP (even if you hate them)” mentality for most. A gracious society in Singapore? Tan Gu Gu (Wait Long Long)!
Look at the smile and finger of PM; the way the ministers talk down to the people (Eg. Bargain Hen’s insult of 55’s not being able to handle their own money with “a fling here and a fling there” and Lim Sway Says “increase pay of workers increases inflation” crap) and you’ll know what I mean.
Where money talks all the time with this greedy bunch, we need to ‘Tan Gu Gu’ for a Gracious and Polite S’porean Singapore.
The rally speech was nothing more than ”Chui kong, lumpar song!”. For the benefit of those not into Hokien dialect, it means ” Mouth speaks, testicles (bollocks) feel good!”
Another buying and fixing scheme?
And as admitted from the horse's mouth, it's his job!