Sunday, October 28, 2012

Psychopath with an anti social personality disorder?

Or is he?

"I've had several of my own doctors who are familiar with such conduct . . . tell me that he is a near psychopath", Lee Kuan on on Chee Soon Juan.

'Today one cannot help but conclude that the trailblazer is more a sputtering meteor, and perhaps one with an anti-social personality disorder", ST Political Editor Chua Mui Hoong on Chee Soon Juan.

After watching the videos above, I guess reasonably sane people will not agree with Lee Kuan Yew's and Chua Lee Hoong's perception of Dr Chee Soon Juan as a nut case.

For almost 2 decades, I have never seen or read of the mainstream media putting Chee Soon Juan in a good light. If he was not condemned, he was totally ignored. His recent party's alternative National Healthcare Plan [Link] and other ideas were shunned and never brought up for discussion by the msm. Considering the NATCON that is supposed to hear from citizens to make their lives better, isn't it a waste that such ideas from Prof Thambyah and CSJ and his team are silenced?

Chee Soon Juan is neither Nelson Mendela nor Aung San Suu Kyi. However, he's definitely not what LKY and Chua Mui Hoong describe him to be. Instead of "a sputtering meteor, and perhaps one with an anti-social personality disorders"  is it time that out of the ashes, a phoenix rises?

Glad as I am that Chee Soon Juan will be discharged from bankruptcy, I'll still worry that the power that is will throw him another curved ball to prevent him from competing in the next general election. Let's wait and see.

Meanwhile, I'm amused that the way Straits Times is still milking Amy Cheong to keep the NATCON going!  Page D2 and D3 of Saturday's Insight of ST, "The Race Issue - Different Shades Of Grey" reported "Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Ms Cheong's comments were totally unacceptable". Dear honourable PM, just where were you when your dad said/wrote that Muslims in Singapore cannot integrate with the rest of us? Was his comments acceptable to you? If not, why wasn't your finger and that of your other ministers as fast on the trigger as you shot Amy Cheong for her indiscretion, stupidity, racism or whatever?

Maybe "Justice and Equality" as stated in our National Pledge is nothing more than an 'aspiration' as stated by the PM's father. Or is it a song and dance to pull wool over the eyes of the faithful Singaporeans? If there were justice and equality in Singapore, LKY should be fried or torn asunder like Amy Cheong was by PAP Ministers and the mainstream media for her insensitivity to the sensitivity of fellow citizens!

However, in trying to protect the sensitivity of some, I'm sad to note that the power that is is messing up the sensitivity of others. After Amy Cheong's incident, the Media Development Authority decided to ban Ken Kwek's "Sex.Violence.Family-Values". Unless we are ready to lighten up and not be 'pap'politically correct all the time, we are nothing but "daft digits" controlled by the "pappolitically correct"! Wake up, have fun and let's start to smell the roses and laugh some!

I guess reasonably sane people would laugh and not be offended by Kumar's performance. If so, why ban Ken Kwek's work?

Is Ken Kwek the same young Ken who was fried by LKY for asking a pertinent question that riled the old man a few year ago?

If so, I'd appreciate if my readers who know will enlighten me.

Thank you.



At October 29, 2012 at 3:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy was burnt at the stake because people thought she was Sporean. It they'd realised she's a foreigner, she wouldn't have had a flogging.

No one would dare to even tap Kuan Yew's knuckles gently. You want them to flog him??? As you know, being Lee has its privileges.

At October 29, 2012 at 8:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right, Ken Kwek was fried in 2006 by the strongman in the dialogue "Why My Vote Matters", for being "bo tua bo soy" (George Yeo's concept of disrespectful) of him. Notice how the great one bullies and interrupts the questions, and how these young journalists at that time had the balls/effrontery to throw awkward questions at him, unlike the later "Hard Truths" interviews. It was probably after this dialogue that he left ST, probably in disgust, and became a playwright, and wrote the script for Glen Goei's "The Blue Mansion" in 2008, a subtle parody of the Familee.

Why My Vote Matters - A Dialogue With Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew - 12Apr2006 :

The Blue Mansion (who does the patriach Wee Pak Chuan remind you of?):

Xi Jinping, China’s new leader contemplates Singapore model of authoritarian capitalism. Next in line North Korea? One wonders why Singpore's political model is so attractive to authoritarian states.

At October 30, 2012 at 9:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


An American tourist was visiting a temple in Singapore when he noticed two statues of a man and a woman by the altar.

He asked the monk what was the significance of the two. The monk explained that in the Chinese system of yin and yang, positives must always be balanced by negatives, and having the two statues ensured that the universal balance was maintained.

"This statue of the woman is the Goddess of Mercy, Kuan-Yin."

"What about the other one?" asked the tourist.

In a hushed voice, the monk said, "This one is the God of No Mercy, Kuan-Yew."

At October 30, 2012 at 6:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The American tourist: "This god of no mercy sounds like a psychopath to me"

The monk: "How I wish more natives on this island is as observant as you."

At October 31, 2012 at 12:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

CSJ: "We don’t have resort to jailing people, we don’t have to shut them up to win elections."

Lee Kuan Yew, The Man And His Ideas, 1997: "Everybody knows that in my bag I have a hatchet, and a very sharp one. You take me on, I take my hatchet, we meet in the cul-de-sac.”

Who sounds more of a psycopath? What do you think?

At October 31, 2012 at 9:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i nearly died laughing.
Limpeh wearing adult diapers, carrying a hatchet, shuffling his way towards a cul-de-sac.

At October 31, 2012 at 9:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only sound like a psychopath but has shown the tendency to be one.
How else to explain those trumped up charges to put others in detention for umpteen yrs without a tinge of regret ?

At October 31, 2012 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It has long been said that most sociopaths never serve a day in jail. Instead, they drift into fields like law, politics, business, law enforcement and the
military where their talents can be put to good use. They often rise high in these fields, though most people don’t like them very much. They are ruthless, cold, calculating, manipulative, egocentric, charming, focused, unempathetic, remorseless and fearless." unquote

(Sociopaths – Controlled and Uncontrolled Robert Lindsay)

(Singapore Notes Time To Go)

Joshua Chiang

At November 1, 2012 at 8:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

M Ravi, our well known political dissident, was almost committed because of his bipolar disorder. And now they are calling Chee Soon Juan a near psycopath and someone with an anti-social personality disorder. Is there something that does not meet the eye?

"Soviet psychiatric hospitals known as "psikhushkas" were used by the authorities as prisons in order to isolate hundreds or thousands of political prisoners from the rest of society, discredit their ideas, and break them physically and mentally."

"Political abuse of psychiatry is the misuse of psychiatric diagnosis, detention and treatment for the purposes of obstructing the fundamental human rights of certain groups and individuals in a society. It entails the certification and committal of citizens to psychiatric facilities based upon political rather than mental health-based criteria."

At November 3, 2012 at 9:38 AM , Blogger patriot said...

One is never insane to arm to the teeth despite having the supreme authority in the Land. It is just unbelievable that such a person would intimidate his subjects when he is duty bound to look after their wellbeing.
However, he did admit that he wants the people to fear him. To stay in power, any despot will resort to any means, sin and warts all.


At November 3, 2012 at 12:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only near psycopathic trait Mr Chee has is his tenacity to keep going, when others just gave up.

At November 3, 2012 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like me i am only hiding behind the veil of internet, till the time that more Singaporean willing to stand up and voice their. Hell Singapore prison don't have enough cell for all of us.

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